I usually try not to shop on Saturdays. It's just so busy and crowded. However, today I did so well, I may just have to start. My total for all the items in the picture below was $.84. That's right only 84 cents. . . I did 2 transactions. Here is a run down of what I got.
Electrasol $2.99 less $2.50 coupon =.49
Suave Deodorant $1.00 less $.55 coupon doubled =.10 profit
Suave Lotion $1.00 less $1.00 coupon = Free
Soft Soap $1.00 less $.50 coupon doubled =Free
Dawn Dish Soap $1.00 less $.50 coupon doubled =Free
I did one transaction with the dish soap since I found one more I had not used and another one without it. Both receipts came to $.42

I decided to come home and see if I could find Fred's exact coupon policy. I'm glad I did. I thought I could only use one like coupon per transaction which is not the case. They will only double one like coupon so I could have purchased more Electrasol. If you haven't tried Fred's you might give it a shot.
Below is the information I was able to find about their coupon policy.
(These rules apply to all company-owned, participating Freds stores.)
Manufacturer Coupon: A manufacturer coupon is a coupon for cents-off or dollars off a product, that the customer obtains from newspapers, magazines, direct mailings, etc. It is valid at any Fred’s store that the specific item featured on the coupon is sold.
A valid coupon will have the product description, cents off amount, expiration date, and an address to send the coupon for redemption.
Fred’s Procedures
1. Fred’s will only accept manufacturer’s coupons that feature items that we carry. (No competitor’s coupons are to be accepted) The item featured on the coupon must be the exact item that we sell, or we do not accept the coupon. The item must be the same brand, style, flavor, scent, size specified by the coupon.
2. Fred’s will not accept Internet coupons, whether they are printed in color or black and white.
3. All valid manufacturer’s coupons are accepted at face value at Fred’s every day.
4. On Saturdays only, Fred’s will double the face value of manufacturer coupons up to $.70; $.70 coupons are doubled. (ONLY 1 coupon per identical item is doubled, per customer, per Saturday)
5. No money will be returned for coupons that exceed the price of the product. If doubling the face value of the coupon would exceed the price of the item, the coupon will be accepted a face value.
6. Tobacco coupons are not doubled regardless of the face value of the coupon.
7. Coupons, which are expired, are not accepted. If the coupon is presented the day it expires, the coupon must be accepted.
8. Coupons, which offer “free” product, and do not require the purchase of additional items, will not be accepted. “Buy one get one free” coupons are accepted.
9. If the price of an item is matched with a competitor, then no coupons will be doubled for that particular item.
For example:
A customer may purchase 4 tubes of Crest toothpaste, however if they have more than one coupon for the toothpaste, the first coupon will be doubled and the additional coupons will be taken at face value. If the customer wishes to purchase more than one flavor of an item and the coupon lists a variety of flavors, only one identical coupon will be doubled and the additional coupons will be taken at face value.