Thursday, May 21, 2009


I will be honest. . . .I don't know how to add a feedburner or a button to my blog. I have been asked several times and I do not have any idea how to start that process. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

And the feedburner should be pretty easy. Just login to your blogger and click on add gadget. Scroll down until you find add feed. And that's it. :)

Unless you can do it yourself then you can pay about $10ish for someone to design a button for you with all the code necessary for your blog. Scroll down on my blog to Jenny's link (Pink Armchair Designs) where she designed my header & button for me.

My suggestion is that if you're really wanting your blogging to turn into something then you might want to shell out the $50ish for a whole redesign. It will really help to bring people back to your blog by having a whole designed look as well as the button to go with your great content.