Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I will be away for a while

Just a quick update. . . . . I found out yesterday that I have gall stones and will be having surgery tomorrow to remove my gall bladder. I will start posting on a regular basis again when I am feeling better.


Shop Without Money Sisters said...

Bummer! I had mine out a few years ago (after 10 years of undiagnosed pain!). The surgery wasn't so bad. After a few days of recovery, I was back up and about. You will feel so much better after the surgery! Good Luck with your surgery, enjoy the good drugs!!

Shop Without Money Sisters said...

I had mine out too- the only thing I could eat after were silver dollar pancakes and yogurt. I was not hungry at all for almost two weeks and lost 14 lbs. Good Luck, I am sure you will be fine!!!

Becky said...

ugh...I am so sorry to hear this! My husband had this and did fairly well. I will be thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery!

Jamie @ I Am A Money Magnet said...

Oh gosh! My mom is going to have her removed too. I've heard that people feel much better once it is removed! I hope you have a speedy recovery!