1 pkg Kabossa or Smoked Sausage (I used 2 smaller packages one of each kind)
1 tsp oil
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic (I didn't have this so used garlic powder.)
1 1/2 lbs potatoes cut 3/4 inch thick (Next time I will slice everything smaller.)
1 16oz frozen green Beans (thaw before cooking.)
Salt and pepper ( I added Cavenders and Tony's.)
Brown sausage. Cook potatoes and onion in oil until tender. (almost done) Add green beans. cover and cook 5 more min. Add sausage cook til warmed.
Tonight we will be having my version of Chicken Cacciatore
1lb boneless skinless chicken (diced)
1 med onion
1 green pepper
1 packet taco seasoning
1 jar/can spaghetti sauce
1 8oz can tomato sauce
pepper, cumin, chili powder to taste
Place diced chicken, onion and pepper with taco seasoning and water in a bowl. Cover and refrigerate for at least 30 min. Put chicken mixture and juice in a pan and cook on low until done. Add all remaining items and simmer. Serve over spaghetti noodles and top with cheddar cheese.
Now, on to what we are having this week. I haven't found any good meat sales in about a month so we are running really low. The only meat I have purchased has been hamburger which I went to the store for something else and it happened to be an unadvertised sale. Hopefully there will be some good sales this week. If not I will have to purchase it at full price. YUCK!
Meat Loaf (step daughters favorite - will have one more time before it gets too hot)
Mexican Chicken
Beef Pasta
Crunchy Tacos
Pork Chops
Grilled Chicken
Hi there Angie, I'm a new reader and let me just say...this meal looks so yummy. OMG...I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing. I'm also going to RSS & follow you. If you do get a button in the future, let me know..would love to add you.
Have a great week/weekend!
ok...I finally made this last night with a slight variation. Added some mixed veggies instead and instead of Kielbasa I used Turkey (it was yummo) served with French bread (like it wasn't fattening enough)>.LOL
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