Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Walmart $2.86

I went to Walmart today to use my coupons that were expiring today for free Suave Shampoo and Cascade. They didn't have the size of Cascade that I needed so I had to stop at another store for that. I came out pretty good. My subtotal before coupons was $32.31. My total with tax was $2.86. Here is what I got:
12 Kraft Salad Dressings on Roll Back for $1.58 Less 12 $1.50 coupons
4 Buddies Soaps $.97 less 4 $1.00 coupons
Suave Soap (the larges bottle they had) $3.00 less $3.00 coupon
Rimmel Mascara $6.47 less $6.47 coupon
Total after tax $2.86


slugmama said...

From reading all the blogs today, it looks like almost Everyone went to Walmart yesterday to use expiring coupons.lolol

$2.86 is real good! I went last night too for free dog food. The cashier was amazed at getting all that for free. I guess she doesn't see many folks use coupons at my WM.

The Proverbs Wife said...

Way to go. I am pretty well stocked up on salad dressing from a previous deal so I won't be buying anymore. Just a note. From what I see of salad dressing is that the ranch doesn't have a long shelf life. I don't know if it is just mine but the ones I bought a few weeks ago expires June 2009.

So I am careful to make sure that I am going to use it up between now and the summer. I use ranch in place of mayo in salads and on sandwiches.

You did great on this deal. Good for you and thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Good job :)

Shop Without Money Sisters said...

Cool Deals. I've got to get my hands on more of those Kraft Salad Dressing coupons. I only have 2!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! That was one of the best hauls I've seen.
I really like reading your blog and I added myself to your followers!