Scott did the bulk of our grocery shopping at Walmart this week while I plastered our bathroom walls. (Hopefully we will be done remodeling soon!) He did good and followed my list pretty good and used the coupons I sent. Only a few things not on the list were added in. I made a couple of stops this week. The first one was to Hudson's Grocery. I usually don't shop there often because their every day prices are high. They do run good sales every now and then. They also have a great produce section and meat section. I purchased 4 red peppers for 69 cents each. The main reason I stopped! I just found out this year that I love these peppers. But, I refuse to pay over a dollar each for them. 4 Granny Smith apples at $1.99 lb. Expensive I know but the kids love them and I would rather pay more and have healthy snacks. I also got 3 bags Birdseye frozen green beans on sale for 69 cents each used $1/3 off coupon and 4 cans hunts caned tomatoes on sale 89 cents less .40/2 coupon doubled. Not a huge shopping trip but got some stuff we needed. I made one trip to Walgreen's this week. They were probably wondering what happened to me. I'm usually in there a couple of times a week. This is what I got this time. I had printed out a $5/$25 coupon but decided that I would only use it if I spent over $25 which I didn't plan on. I was only going in for Doritos, toilet paper and 7-up.

2 Doritos - BOGO $3.79
4 7-UP - 4/$5.00
Northern TP $4.00 less $1 es coupon and $1 manfg coupon = $2
2 Clean and Clear blemish on clearance $1.49 each
2 2pk neutrogena makeup remover $2.49 each
-$3.00 register reward
-$3.00 register reward
Total $14.15 used gift card and received $2.00 register reward for 7-up
The chips we needed for Mexican Chicken and taco salad this week. The Doritos do taste better than the off brand so when I can get them for a good deal I buy the good stuff. We are running low on TP so I am working on building my stock back up. Not the best deal but not too bad. I haven't found a great deal on it in a long time. I was paying over $4 for the equate brand of makeup remover for Breanna last school year. So to me the Neutrogena was a good deal. I might have had a coupon at home for it but I hated not to buy them when they only had 2 on sale. Same with the Clean and Clear. They only had 2 and with teenagers you can never have enough of that kind of stuff. It feels like I have been couponing heavily for a long time but when I stop and really think about it, it's only been like 6 months or less. I get some really good deals on household goods but I don't do as well on the groceries. I don't know why that is.
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