Monday, October 19, 2009

Rolling those Register Rewards

I rolled several register rewards last week. This is what I have done so far this week. #1
Halls Refresh $1.00 less S.75 coupon
Zantac $8.99 less $1.00 coupon
Chap Stick $2.99
Less $7.00 Reward from last week
Total $5.27
Got back $9 reward from Zantac, $3.00 for Chap Stick, & $1.00 for Halls

Halls Refresh $1.00 less $.75 coupon
Zyrtec $18.99 Less $4.00 coupon
Chap Stick $2.99
Less $9 reward
Total $11.07
Got back $1.00 for Halls, $7.00 for Zyrtec, & $3.00 for Chap Stick

Halls $1.00 less $.75 coupon
Zantac $8.99 less $1.00
Filler $.99
Filler $.99
Less $7.00 reward
Less $3.00 reward
Total $1.10
Got back $9.00 for Zantac and $1.00 for Halls
Yes, I spent alot out of pocket but this is for brands and things we use all the time. My step son and I both take Zantac a few times a month and I take Zyrtec alot. I feel that I should try to stock this week as much as I can.
How are you rolling those register rewards?

Price Matching at Wal-Mart

It pays to watch the sale ads with all the different stores. Country Mart in our area had Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops on sale for $1.59lb. I went to the store and they were out so I price matched at Walmart. There they are normally $3.67lb which would make the 2 packages $11.52 and $9.76. I was able to score these for $4.99 and $4.23. So I got aprox 6.80lbs of pork chops for less than the price for 3lbs. I will be working the next couple of weeks to restock our freezer which is running really low on meat.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Don't forget Fred's doubles coupons up to $.70 on Saturdays.

Here's what I got
Reese's $1.00 less $.55 coupon doubled
Life savers $1.69 less $1.00 coupon
6 Sweet Sue Chicken $1.09 Less $.75 coupon (this is the only place in town I can find this brand of chicken up $.09 from the last time we had coupons.)
Mentos $1.39 less $.55 coupon doubled
Ziploc Freezer bags $2.00 less $.40 coupon doubled

Total with tax $4.54

How did I decide what to buy? Reese's were free. I took the life savers to work. Nice to have something since I talk all day long. The chicken is so good to have around for dips or when I forget to take something out for supper. We needed the freezer bags and I wasn't going to any other stores.

Does anyone else shop at Fred's on Saturdays?